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12 years ago
This Blog particularized for Oracle Developers ... you will see interesting Codes for SQL , PL/SQL as well as new ideas for Developer Suite and Client Tools that will help you in your professional life ... and I hope I reach for your satisfaction.
I'm Hany Freedom , 25 years old , I live in EL-Minia City in Egypt , I'm Moderator at ArabOUG.org the best Arabic Forum for ORACLE on the Net. if you interested to know more about me .... just Click Here.
lag_time INTERVAL DAY(3) TO SECOND(3);
lag_time := '7 09:24:30';
IF lag_time > INTERVAL '6' DAY THEN
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ( 'Greater than 6 days');
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ( 'Less than 6 days');
Assigning Literals to an INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND Variable
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Hi there , Your example is very clear , but if i need to pass a variable value for the interval
say :
LW_MIN := INTERVAL '+01 00:30:00' DAY TO SECOND;
for the hard coded '+01 00:30:00' i need to pass a Variable , how can that be done pls help
THis was the example i was looking for . MOst of the example exaplining the Interval day to second are taking values from the table and not directly assiging the value to the variable ..