rem -----------------------------------------------------------------------
rem Filename: plstable.sql
rem Purpose: Example: how to populate a PL/SQL Table from a cursor
rem Date: 09-Apr-1999
rem Author: Frank Naude, Oracle FAQ
rem -----------------------------------------------------------------------
set serveroutput on
-- Declare the PL/SQL table
type deptarr is table of dept%rowtype
index by binary_integer;
d_arr deptarr;
-- Declare cursor
type d_cur is ref cursor return dept%rowtype;
c1 d_cur;
i number := 1;
-- Populate the PL/SQL table from the cursor
open c1 for select * from dept;
exit when c1%NOTFOUND;
fetch c1 into d_arr(i);
i := i+1;
end loop;
close c1;
-- Display the entire PL/SQL table on screen
for i in 1..d_arr.last loop
dbms_output.put_line('DEPTNO : '||d_arr(i).deptno );
dbms_output.put_line('DNAME : '||d_arr(i).dname );
dbms_output.put_line('LOC : '||d_arr(i).loc );
end loop;
populate a PL/SQL Table from a cursor
Thanks a lot
God bless !!